Swim, gym & coffee
an introduction

What's Swim, gym & coffee?
Bipolar Edinburgh is an organisation registered with Edinburgh Leisure's Community Access Programme.
This allows discounted group access of up to five people led by you, the facilitator holding a CAP Organisation Card. You supervise the session (but you do not do any coaching as we aren't insured for that).
It's a great way of starting your facilitator journey and meeting others with bipolar.
Entry is £1 each for all - which is a massive discount compared to normal entry fees to the pool or gym.
Why should I volunteer?
If you feel like you would like to do more to help others with bipolar, then this is a great way to start for several reasons:
- It is manageable in scale and there are Edinburgh Leisure staff on hand to help you at any time.
- The schedule is your own. You can set up sessions where and when suits you. We just ask that you give 7 days notice so we can list your session on our calendar.
- You will need to complete a PVG application since some of the people you supervise might be protected adults. Bipolar Edinburgh will reimburse the fee to you. We will guide you through this process.
- We also ask that you complete some basic facilitator training which is delivered by Michelle and will increase your knowledge and confidence.
- You will receive your own CAP Organisation Card for free that allows you access on your own for £1 for twelve months up to 31st March each year.
- If you have scheduled 4 or more sessions in the previous year, then we will renew your card for a further twelve months.
- Volunteering improves your wellbeing and you may make connections and friendships in doing so.

How do I schedule events?
It's easy. There's an online form you complete giving 7 days' notice and details of where and when you'll run the session.
Bipolar Edinburgh then copies that info to our online calendar on the website with a maximum of 5 people who can RSVP.
24-hours before your event, an administrator will send you a list of people who have signed-up.
We will provide you with a small sign and a lanyard & badge to help people locate you at the meeting point.
How can I refer someone for an individual card?
Once someone has been to at least two of your sessions, you can refer them to get their own CAP Individual Card.
- This allows them to attend Edinburgh Leisure facilities unsupervised with their own individual card for £1.
- The CAP Individual Card is valid for 12 months and is not renewable.
- If they wish to apply, then you can refer them to Bipolar Edinburgh's online form (see link below).
- We will supply you with printed cards that you can give to the person that contains the link to apply.
- When they apply online to us, we will complete the Edinburgh Leisure application process using our scheme administrator's details.
- The person will then either: a) receive a text from Edinburgh Leisure once their application has been approved directing them to go to their nearest Edinburgh Leisure facility to pick up their card; or b) Edinburgh Leisure will send the card through the post to the person with instructions to go to a nearest leisure centre to get their photo taken.