What's Cuppa & chat?
As the name suggests, it's an informal meet-up with up to 5 others with lived-experience of bipolar in a café of your choosing.
It's a great way of starting your facilitator journey and of meeting others with bipolar.
The aim is to create community with like-minded people. It could be a meet-up in a convenient part of the city, or a group with a shared special interest such as the visual arts or Hibs football.
Why should I volunteer?
If you feel like you would like to do more to help others with bipolar, then this is a great way to start for several reasons:
- It is manageable in scale with up to 5 attendees only and is held in a public space such as a café.
- The schedule is your own. You can set up meet-ups where and when suits you. We just ask that you give 7 days notice so we can list your cuppa & chat event on our calendar.
- You will NOT need to complete a PVG application. Although some of the people that attend might be classed as protected adults, you are with them in a public space.
- We also ask that you have a chat with Michelle first who can give you some pointers to increase your knowledge and confidence.
- Volunteering improves your wellbeing and you may make connections and friendships in doing so.

How do I schedule events?
It's easy. There's an online form you complete giving 7 days' notice and details of where and when you'll run the meet-up.
Bipolar Edinburgh then copies that info to our online calendar on the website with a maximum of 5 people who can RSVP.
24-hours before your event, an administrator will send you a list of people who have signed-up.
We will provide you with a small sign and a lanyard & badge to help people locate you at the meeting point.
When you submit your event, you can decide whether to include your first name or not in the event title.
For example "Cuppa & chat with Fiona" or without. If in doubt, leave it out.
Can I reserve slots for regular attendees?
Of course you can! One of the main aims of volunteering is to help people make lasting connections and to create a sense of community.
- When you submit your Cuppa & Chat event to us, there are up to four slots that you can enter the names and email addresses of those who have indicated they would like to come back the next time.
- Please make sure that you've agreed upon on a date and time with that person and that they plan on attending before submitting their name. No-shows would be depriving others of a potential meet-up. Please also be sensitive not to exclude others in attendance.
- When we mount your Cuppa & chat meet-up on our website, we will immediately register the names you have given us and they will receive an email confirming details.
- You should always leave one slot free for new people to join. If you have a group of 5 people that has connected well and is happy as a group, then success! You don't need us to list it as an event any more. You are now friends who meet for coffee!
- If you do end up as a filled event, then we do hope you will consider volunteering for another group or some other activity with us and hope you have enjoyed volunteering and making new connections.